Measurement and verification
Generate carbon offset certificates to support project payback periods or retire for carbon abatement

Bundled together, our services provide a complete measurement and verification process that delivers carbon offset certificates for your projects, with minimal input from the customer.
We maximise value by considering all key program parameters at the feasibility study stage and using them as a framework to deliver an end-to-end measurement and verification program.
Feasibility and certificate estimation
- Understand project eligibility requirements in each region
- Estimate the number of carbon offset certificates that are generated for your project
- Certificate price spot value and futures contract modelling
Forward contract management
- Manage certificate price volatility
- Minimsie exposure through hedging
- Secure forward contracts to lock in certificate price
Pre-construction modelling and planning
- Select optimal measurement and verification program pathway
- Develop baseline energy usage and statistical modelling
- Create measurement and verification reporting framework and documentation
- Align international and local standards with regulatory requirements
- Monitor the progress of your energy project savings and certificate creation process
Carbon offset calculation and reporting
- Utilise data to model energy project savings
- Report on energy savings utilising reportable framework
Registration and trade of certificates
- Use project evidence to claim carbon savings through regulatory body
- Register carbon offset certificates
- Trade carbon offset certificates on the spot market or through hedge
Featured engagements
Food Processing Facility Solar Upgrade
Measurement and verification for a 450kW ground mount solar system and 510kVA bio-diesel genset
St Bede's College Solar Design & Installation
Measurement and verification for Phase 1 of St Bede's energy action plan
Carbon Offset Schemes and Certificates
Victorian Energy Upgrades
Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificate
- Available for projects only in VIC
- One VEEC is one tonne of carbon abated
- Spot and futures markets available
Energy Savings Scheme
Energy Saving Certificate
- Available for projects only in NSW
- One ESC is one tonne of carbon savings
- Spot and futures markets available
Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme
- Available for projects only in SA
- Quantified by GJ of carbon abated
- Managed through energy retailer contracts
Emissions Reduction Fund
Australian Carbon Credit Unit
- Available Australia wide
- One ACCU is one tonne of carbon abated
- Spot market and government contracts